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For C2-4000/5000 control, see C2-4000 & C2-5000 series Windows Control Panel

The Windows control panel version 1.45 is available for download here:

Should you need the .net Framework it can be downloaded from :

You may also need the service pack :

Release Notes for C2 Control Panel Version 1.43 For use with the following units
C2-7000 Series
C2-1000 Series
C2-2000 Series
C2-2000A Series
C2-3000 Series
1T-C2 Series (Excl 1T-C2-511 / 520)
C2-160 / C2-260
S2 Series

Please make sure you have installed the latest firmware for your unit:
1T-C2 Series firmware updates
C2-1000 Series firmware updates
C2-2000 / C2-2000A Series firmware updates
C2-7000 Series firmware updates
C2-3300 firmware updates


1. Application Requirements:

Operating System : Windows XP(recommended)/2000
Disk space required : 10MB
Memory recommendation: 128MB

2.General Release Notes:
The scaler *MUST* be uploaded with the latest scaler firmware.

3. Windows 98 SE Release Notes:
This application has not been tested to work with Windows 98

4. Windows 95/NT Release Notes:
This application has not been tested to work with Windows 95 or Windows NT

5. Windows XP / 2000 Release Notes:
No issues found.

6. Windows Vista Release Notes:
This application has not been tested to work with Windows Vista at this current time.

7. Current Known Issues:
Bug in writing the button assignments
Load and Save doesn’t save buttons, macros, resolutions

8. Revision History:
Version 1.45 Released
Fixed database issue resulting in connection failure with some units.
Version 1.43 Released
Fixed Edge Blend tab for C2-2450A WCP1.43.exe
Version 1.42 Released
Added C2_1T_760,C2-7300 support WCP1.42.exe

Version 1.40 Released
Fix the logo tab disable and add resolution tab to all C2-2k unit
Change copyright display to 2009 WCP1.40.exe

Version 1.39 Internal
Fix the problems related with programmable button

Version 1.38 Internal
Fix the crashing bug when switch to Window Z

Version 1.37 Internal
Fix bugs and improve the preset/macro form

Version 1.36 Internal
Fix bugs and add support to other units

Version 1.35 Internal
Add support for 1T-C2-750

Version 1.34 Released WCP1.34.exe
- Released

Version 1.33 Internal
- Added support for C2-3000 series scalers
- Added CV/YC2 for C2-160

Version 1.32 Released
- Created new save routine - doesn’t save buttons, macros, resolutions

Version 1.31 Released WCP1.31.zip
- Released with support for 7310
- Bug Fixes for Logo and test card loader

Version 1.30 Released
- Internal
- Added 2000A Support

Version 1.29 Released
- Internal

Version 1.28 Released
- Released with support for 7310

Version 1.27 Released C2ControlPanel1.27.zip
-Added support for the C2-7260.

Version 1.26 Released C2ControlPanel1.26.zip
-Modified database so that no longer writing read only values back to the scaler.

Version 1.25 Released C2ControlPanel1.251.zip
-Added Further Edge Blend Options
-Added RGB Termination Adjustment
-Added Field Swap and Offset Adjustments
-Added Support for C2-7110, C2-7210, C2-7260
-Fixed problems with reading resolutions whilst on resolution screen
-Improved Save and Load functions - will change next version to be text file based rather than binary files
-Fixed window position errors on Quick Windows
-Fixed problem with reading resolutions whilst on resolutions screen

Version 1.24
-Added support for version 120+ firmware
-Load and Save for each source adjustment bug - fixed
-Button reading bug - Fixed
-Added Auto detection of HD/SD SDI Inputs

Version 1.23 Released C2ControlPanel1.23.zip
-Added System menu to the C2_1100/1150/1200/1250/1350
-Added transitions menu to 1K and 2K series
-Fixed problem where product was not found in the database
-Resolution / Buttons menu not always shown – Fixed
-SCH Phase control missing from C2-160 - Added

Version 1.22 Released C2ControlPanel1.22.zip
-Added support for S2 range when connected to 1K or 2K series units
-Added support for C2-260
-Added support for 2105/2155/2355

Version 1.21 Released
-Fixed errors in the macro and Scripting programming tool

Version 1.20 Released C2ControlPanel1.20.zip
-Improvements made to scripting engine
-Fixed comm port being held open when application closes

Version 1.19 Released
-Added new method for the progress bar to improve stability
-Added ability to programs Macros from the Scripting tool
-Added Support for the C2 2100/2150/2250/2200/2205/2255/2350 Units

Version 1.18 Released C2ControlPanel1.18.zip
-Fixed bug where it was not possible to program logo/testcards using Ethernet

Version 1.17 Internal release
-Improved communications reliability
-Added enhanced error reporting facility
-Added compatibility for 1T-C2-160

Version 1.16 Internal release
Version 1.15 Inernal release
-Fixed problem with resolutions being programmed when there were none and thus corrupting the internal database!

Version 1.14 Internal release
-Added compatibility for the 1000 series units
-Added database security
-Removed SC/H adjustment from advanced option and changed screen layout
-Fixed changing of A/Z order causing more windows than available to be read causing an error

Verison 1.13 Released C2ControlPanel1.13.zip
The scaler *MUST* be uploaded with version 71 or above of the
- Added 1T100,150,200,250 Support
- Added new main screen to allow demo mode

Version 1.12 Released C2ControlPanel1.12.zip
The scaler *MUST* be uploaded with version 56 or above of the scaler firmware or version 70 for full functionality.
- Added in extra definitions for the A= and B= custom functions.
- Added Simple Windows to make the software easier to control and provide a graphical layout of the screens. All navigation between outputs and windows is now performed using these windows.
- Fixed Problem with Ethernet and serial communications causing data to be incorrectly read
- Added number buttons and shift number buttons to trigger Programmable button events as on C2-5000 Windows control panel
- Fixed serial and Ethernet control speeds and loss of packets.
- Major speed improvement on tab switching as database is now held in memory
- Save settings fixed
- Button read/write/program fixed

Version 1.11 Released C2ControlPanel1.11.zip
The scaler *MUST* be uploaded with version 44 or above of the
scaler firmware
- Fixed reading the Resolution data over ethernet - would crash
- Fixed problem where only the first 5 button labels could be programmed

Version 1.0.10 Released C2ControlPanel1.10.zip
- Minor changes to about box

Version 1.0.9 Released (Beta)
- Added new version of the TVONEcontrol
- Fixed Full save / restore function
- Added tool tips

Version 1.0.8 Released (Beta)
- Fixed problem where the UP/DN arrows worked upside down
- Fixed problem where refresh of the Windows Screen caused error
- Change Splash screen title
- Fixed problem where refresh of first screen did not update on-screen values
- Fixed problem with -ve value on the arrow control when connected to the scaler
- Added button read from the scaler
- Fixed ABZ button 1/2 button and Restore Button and ID button not functioning
- Fixed resolution setting as it was out by 1 resolution